In a Nut Shell

I would just rather share my photos on my blog than overflow my friends on social media.

This weekend I went to Austin to get away. I don’t know that I have ever been more stressed in my life than I have been in the last two weeks but my nerves needed a break. I dropped everything, I didn’t check  my emails, my texts, my GroupMe with the exception of the daily morning check that is purely from habit.

We set out to Austin to go thrift shopping so I bought some things, ate some stuff, oh… And fell into Lady Bird Lake.

I’m not going to say it’s nice to be back, because it’s not. But I’m back, and it’s time to get shit done again.

The adventure started at the Blue Hanger Goodwill where everything in the store is priced at $1.39 a pound. We found a ton of awesome stuff but actually passed on a few things because we already had so much.  We even found a Big Event shirt. The picture below includes:

– 1 long knitted cardigan
– 1 Docker leather bomber jacket
– 1 Pair of Patagonia hiking pants
– 1 pair of pin stripe dress pants
– 1 pair of khaki pants
– 1 pair of swim shorts
– 1 strange aqua blue fishing shirt
– 1 very unique sunflower dress
– 1 pair of Victoria Secret pajama bottoms
– Starched blue jean Nascar brand shirt, for my dad
– 1 Pair of old blue jeans to be made into high waisted shorts

All of these items together were LESS THAN $20.!!!
YES I’m serious.


nasc fish bigev

After Goodwill we headed to Thriftland which which is a store much like the Goodwill we are all used to. Madison didn’t find much that she liked there but I found 3 new flannel shirts, MY FAV, and a super cute sweater that I’ve been wearing almost the entire time since I got it for only $4.


After Thriftland it was time for a food break so Tai, How Are You it was. That’s the name of the restaurant by the way. We were headed for Veggie Heaven and this place caught Madison’s eye. Needless to say it was really good, it seems that everything in Austin is. We also found a Geocache while we were her because there was one right outside on the restaurants sign. It was a little magnetic nano which can be seen in the picture of Madison below.

tai nano nomms

After Tai food it was time for a rather famous thrift store in Austin known as Buffalo Exchange. Now, the prices here aren’t necessarily the cheapest but it is a second hand store, however, it is a trendy one.   I got a couple things including 2 jean jackets and a lace shirt. I saw some interesting things in there as well.. I even got Madison to try on a dress.!




There’s also a picture of a tiny fence surrounding a tiny sapling with a note. I was almost in tears, of joy. For that moment a tiny piece of my faith in humanity was restores.


After that we went to Whole Foods, can NEVER pass that up, and Whole Earth Provisions. To be honest I’m getting sleepy and I just want to finish this so here are some pictures from that. I LOVE that the trash cans say “landfill” instead of trash, I’m all about spreading a message with words that simply unmask what disguises society has created.

the landfil swimin wholf foodw

After all of that we went to sleep. We woke up the next day and we were so pumped to go paddleboarding.  At the time I thought it couldn’t be too bad so I was geared up with my GoPro ready to go….. If you’re reading this and you know me you’re probably already thinking this was a bad idea for someone as horribly balanced as me. Why this never occurred to me I have no idea. We paddled out sitting down until we got far enough away from the dock and then Madison stood up and took off into the lake like it was no big deal. I on the other hand could tell the second I got onto my upper knees that I could neve keep my balance to do it. Regardless, I gave it a try and if you read the intro to this blog I’m sure you’ve already figured it out. Less than two minutes of being on my feet I fell right into the lake. The lake was sooo cold and I was not happy. Cold water early in the morning unexpectedly like that was not fun to me. From that point on I tried to enjoy myself by staying on the board indian style but I soon decided it would be a lot more fun if we just paddled back and got a kayak and so we did. I am willing to give it a try again… Someday.

up su[p bbayy peac


After that we ate at East Side King, which you can see a picture of below. I got the veggie box and Madison got the pescatarian box which had OCTOPUS in it. She said it was really good… Yeah, I don’t think so.


At the time we were running way ahead of schedule so we made a stop at one of my favorite shops in Austin known as Part and Labour. Everything in the store is made locally so I’m always all about it. I needed a new pair of earring because mine have begun to fall ut so I got the ones below, so cute. This is also a great  opportunity to brag on my girlfriend and her wonderful parallel parking skills. I could never have done this.

parral earrings

While we were in the store Madison saw multiple pictures of the “You’re My Butter Half” mural and asked why we hadn’t got there yet. To  be honest it was always on my list but it always seemed like there was so much more for us to be doing that I forget about it. Luckily we were running a head of schedule and used the little bit of extra time we had to go take our picture in front of it.

posin kisseys aaaaaaaa

So that was our really quick little get away to Austin. I love it there and I feel like I belong every time I’m there but we’ll probably make a trip to somewhere else next time. But for now, farewell Austin and my fellow blog readers.

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